
イギリス人ネイティブ講師・ジョリーフォニックス公式トレーナーDavid Watkinsによる東京のオンライン英語教室”Yamatalk English®”スタッフの大和真美です。







The Adventure of Lila the Bunny-Eared Girl

In the magical land of Verdant Meadows, there lived a young girl named Lila, who had the most peculiar rabbit-like ears. Lila was known throughout the village for her kindness and her love for nature.

One sunny morning, Lila decided to venture into the enchanted forest to gather vegetables for her family. With her trusty basket in hand, she skipped through the meadow, her rabbit ears twitching with excitement.

As she entered the forest, she was greeted by the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. The flowers seemed to dance as she passed by, and the trees whispered secrets only she could understand.

Lila soon came upon a clearing where the most colorful vegetables grew. She began to fill her basket with carrots, lettuce, and all sorts of delicious greens. But she wasn’t alone. A small rabbit, with fur as white as snow, hopped over to her.

“Hello, little one,” Lila said with a smile. “Would you like to help me gather these vegetables?”

The rabbit nodded, and together they worked until the basket was brimming with fresh produce.

With her task complete, Lila decided to explore a bit further. She followed a path that led to a hill, where she could see the entire village. The traditional houses looked like tiny specks, and the towering mountains stood guard in the distance.

Suddenly, Lila heard a soft whimper. She looked around and found a baby bird that had fallen from its nest. Without hesitation, Lila climbed the nearest tree and returned the bird to its home.

“Thank you,” the mother bird sang, and in return, she gave Lila a feather that shimmered in the sunlight.

As the day came to an end, Lila made her way back home, her basket full and her heart even fuller. She had made a new friend, helped a creature in need, and had an adventure she would never forget.

And from that day on, Lila was known not just as the girl with bunny ears, but as the girl with a bunny’s heart.






Yamatalk Englishでは、ジョリーフォニックス講師養成講座ファーストステップ(FS)コース7月生を募集中です。




(スタッフ Mami)