イギリス人ネイティブ講師・ジョリーフォニックス公式トレーナーDavid Watkinsによる東京のオンライン英語教室”Yamatalk English®”スタッフの大和真美です。
Do you like butterflies? Moths are like butterflies, but they often come out at night. They both have wings and like to fly around flowers. Butterflies are usually more colorful, but moths can be too! Can you find a moth in your backyard?
1. What's the difference?
Butterflies and moths are both insects with wings, but there are some differences. Butterflies are often more colorful and fly during the day, while moths can come out at night and have a wider variety of colors.
2. Wings of wonder
Look at their wings! Both butterflies and moths have beautiful, colorful patterns. Can you find a butterfly or moth with a pattern that looks like a flower?
3. Night flyers
While many butterflies like to fly around during the day, moths often come out at night. They are attracted to lights, so you might see one flying around a lamp.
4. Caterpillars and chrysalises
Before they become beautiful butterflies or moths, they start as tiny caterpillars. Caterpillars eat a lot and grow, then they make a chrysalis and change into an adult.
pupa、cocoon、chrysalis の3つの違い
- pupa は最も一般的な用語で、すべての蛹を指すことができます。
- cocoon は、主に蛾の蛹を指し、糸で覆われた構造が特徴です。
- chrysalis は、主に蝶の蛹を指し、滑らかな外見が特徴です。
5. Pollinators
Just like bees, butterflies and moths help flowers grow by spreading pollen. When they drink nectar from flowers, some pollen sticks to their bodies and gets moved to other flowers.
6. Camouflage masters
Some butterflies and moths are masters of disguise! They can change the color of their wings or hide in plain sight. Can you find a moth that looks like a leaf?
7. Antennae fun
Butterflies and moths have long, feathery antennae. They use their antennae to smell and feel their surroundings.
8. Life cycle
The life cycle of a butterfly or moth is a fascinating journey. It starts as an egg, then becomes a caterpillar, a chrysalis, and finally, a beautiful adult.
9. Butterfly gardens
Let's create a butterfly garden! Plant colorful flowers that butterflies and moths love, like daisies, sunflowers, and lavender.
10. Moth myths
There are many myths about moths. Some people think moths are scary, but they are actually very interesting creatures. Let's learn more about them!
- 蝶の触角は、一般的に先端が棍棒状に膨らんでいるのが特徴です。
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一緒にジョリーフォニックスを学びませんか?(スタッフ Mami)