
東京のオンライン英語教室Yamatalk English®スタッフの大和真美です。当教室では、イギリス人ネイティブ講師David Watkinsが、ジョリーフォニックス公式トレーナーとして、子どもたちに楽しく効果的な英語レッスンを提供しています。

Health care is extremely important for women working as freelancers. Especially during the menopause, the change in hormonal balance can easily cause a variety of physical and mental ailments, which can affect day-to-day performance. However, with the right measures, you can stay healthy and active during the menopause.

Here are seven tips to help you stay healthy during the menopause.

1. don't work too hard, be aware of resting and regulate your body temperature
During menopause, hormonal imbalances can cause mental and physical fatigue. Take it easy, actively rest and refresh your body and mind. The autonomic nervous system may also become unstable, making it difficult to regulate body temperature. Try to regulate your temperature by wearing warm clothes to keep you cool, or breathable clothes if it is hot.

2. spend quality time with loved ones
Social interaction with family and friends can help stabilise your mind. Spend time on hobbies and favourite activities to relieve stress. It is also important to talk to someone you trust and share your problems.

3. pay attention to your diet
A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good mental and physical health. Include soya products, fish, vegetables and fruit in your diet. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and high-fat foods.

4. improve posture
Poor posture can lead to stiff shoulders, back pain and headaches. Be aware of correct posture on a daily basis and take up stretching and exercises.

5. moderate exercise
Light exercise, such as walking, yoga and stretching, promotes physical and mental health. Exercise also helps maintain bone density and mood stability. It is important to keep up with it to a reasonable extent.

6. getting a good night's sleep
Menopause is a time when the quality of sleep is likely to deteriorate. Make time to relax before bed and create a comfortable sleeping environment.

7. take care of yourself
Menopause is a chance to face yourself and discover a new you. Work on yourself, spend time doing the things you love and try new things. Keep a positive mindset and stay positive.

Consult a specialist if necessary
Menopausal symptoms vary greatly from person to person, so if they interfere with your daily life or do not improve after trying the above self-care measures, do not hold back and consult a specialist (gynecologist, outpatient menopause clinic, etc.). Receiving appropriate support from a specialist, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other treatments or prescriptions for herbal medicines tailored to your symptoms, can help you through the menopause more comfortably.

Menopause is a time of many physical and mental changes, but with the right care, you can stay healthy. Take it easy, take care of yourself and get through this period.





Yamatalk Englishでは、フォニックスを軸に、コミュニケーションのための英語学習ができる環境を提供して、生徒さんにとって最善最適な指導ができる講師養成講座を開講しています。



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(スタッフ Mami)